About Trine and Josefine Opsahl


Trine Opsahl

Trine was born in 1965 in Norway. As a child and teenager she played the accordion and won a number of national and international prizes. Later she became a lawyer but found outrealised that she couldn’t live without the music. She started playing the harp in 1996 and is now a professional composer and harpist. Trine has composed all the songs on this CD except track 10.

  Josefine Opsahl

Josefine was born in 1992 and is the daughter of Trine. She started playing the violin at the age of eight and changed to cello when she was twelve years old. She is now studying music at MGK at Sankt Annæ Gymnasium in Copenhagen. Josefine grew up listening to her mother’s harp music and the music touched her heart. The cello arrangements are all made by Josefine and are the fruit of years’ listening to the spirit and sound of Trines music.